Zhenya Kondratovski
Zhenya Kondratovski’s background is in high performance and coaching. He has developed and worked with provincial, national and NCAA calibre players for over twenty-five years; ten of them as head pro at Ottawa's Rideau Tennis Club. Zhenya is currently a Tennis Professional at the Sports Training Academy (STA) in Ottawa and a coach of the University of Ottawa tennis team.
Zhenya is Tennis Canada certified Coach 2 and Club Pro 2, cardio tennis certified and a member of the TPA. He has been a recipient of the Coaching Excellence Award from Tennis Canada. Zhenya believes in sharing his knowledge and experience with his students, peers and working with all stakeholders, clubs, schools, communities, businesses to grow and promote junior development and tennis in Ontario.
Zhenya can be reached at zkondratovski@tennisontario.com