Team Tennis Minor League
View general info about the location, league schedule and cost
Please register and pay for the league here.
Please view our refund policy here.
Sports Tennis Academy, 1255 Humber Pl. Ottawa, K1B 3W2
Team Tennis leagues are a tennis minor league for kids. Team Tennis is essentially the equivalent of a kids community soccer league but on the tennis court! Like community soccer, the goal is for kids to enjoy playing tennis in a team environment on age appropriate courts. Kids play a lot of points in Team Tennis to help develop their ability.
This location is for ages 6-9 years.
Winter League Saturdays 8:30-10:00am. Sept. 29 - Dec. 1, 2018 (10 weeks - $150.00)
Spring League Saturdays 8:30-10:00am. Jan. 12 - March 9, 2018 (9 weeks - $135.00)
Registration is now open for our spring league!